Babe's Eye View By Babe Romualdez |
January 19, 2003 |
The Philippine STAR, Opinion Page |
"We Must Destroy Our Enemies Before They Destroy Us" |
By Babe Romualdez |
Shortly after 9-11, in the meeting at the Pentagon war room, US Army Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. John Keane was quoted as saying, “We must destroy our enemies before they destroy us.” In short, in order for the United States to protect their interest and their lives, they have to be the “biggest dog” on the block. Thus, the statement set the tone for the kind of American foreign policy that is now reverberating all over the world. It was also after the 9-11 attack when the US decided to eliminate their enemies, No. 1 on their hit list is Osama bin Laden, next in line is Saddam Hussein and, of course, North Korea, depending on the outcome of the diplomatic pressure being exerted. Thus, the axis of power has been determined. In fact, the Pentagon (which, ironically, was constructed beginning September 11, 1941) practically coined the phrase, “Either you are with us or against us” for George W. Bush. Historically, Americans have always made a strong stand against people and governments that would threaten them. They could never believe a terrorist attack right at the very heart of the United States could ever happen. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 leaving Americans shell-shocked and in total disbelief. In fact, they felt so secure that when an Air Force lieutenant reported of a possible Japanese air attack, which he saw on his radar screen in the early morning of December 7, 1941, his immediate superior dismissed it completely as a routine exercise by US fighter pilots. “Don’t worry about it, son,” his superior officer said, almost laughingly, “No one would dare attack the United States.” However, it proved to be an error that would cost them more than 2,400 American lives. What was left in the wake of the onslaught by more than 300 Japanese fighter planes was a completely ruined Naval base and a crippled US Pacific Fleet. Of course, America was forced to retaliate. Lt. Col. James Dootlittle headed a fleet of bombers over Japanese airspace and bombed Tokyo, a continued retaliation that ended in the climactic atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The same thing is true with 9-11: the US government decided, without the slightest bit of hesitancy, that they must eliminate Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Never in the history of the United States since the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs was the CIA given back their awesome powers. In more ways than one, they are openly saying, in effect, that they will eliminate Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and any head of state for that matter who would be a threat to them. Indications are, the US has two options in Iraq: either they launch a full-scale war, or through a covert operation that would eliminate Saddam Hussein. Very much like what they planned to do to Fidel Castro during the 1960s. Sources say, there are about 200 operatives deep inside the Iraqi armed forces ready to implement the covert operation. With almost 2,400 US Army servicemen killed in one sweep in 1941, and 3,000 American civilians killed right at the epicenter of American economic power in New York City, there is no dilly-dallying about it: America will not take an attack on their people sitting down – they will fight back. Call it what you want – arrogance, bullying – but that’s the fact of life. Americans will do everything and anything to safeguard their interest. Because of this, many do not look favorably on the US. In fact, when Max and I were at the IPI conference in Vienna, we happen to sit down with an American professor from Boston who said very succinctly, “We have no choice. There is a long line of people who hate us. It’s either them or us.” This gives us an indication that most Americans have come to accept the fact that they are a target because of who they are. Even the Europeans have come to resent the Americans most especially when George Bush went to Helsinki last November. Coming in too strong, the secret service refused to allow anyone to secure the U.S. President except themselves. Air Force One landed at the Helsinki airport with four U.S. F-18 Phantom jets escorting it. Hence,
America is literally under siege, and it is because of this threat that
they are doing everything within their power to defend their interests and
the lives of Americans everywhere. In fact, when one passes the US Embassy
on Roxas Boulevard, one would
notice that it is beginning to look like a military fortress. They are
renovating it and fortifying its halls, installing state-of-the-art
security systems. Every single American embassy all over the world is
being fortified and strengthened against any possible terrorist attack. The
recently released US public advisory for Americans not to go to hotspots
like Jolo and Basilan is something the Philippines cannot change. We can
cry “foul, reckless, unnecessary, etc.” but they will still give the
travel advisory if they feel the need to protect their citizens.
The best way to look at this is to see the silver lining on this
cloud and simply admit to Washington that yes we do have terrorists
problems and that’s why we need you to continue to supply us with more
military and economic assistance to fight “our war” against terrorism. Let’s face it, when we were given our independence by the
Americans almost 50 years ago, it actually meant that we are an
independent nation dependent on the United States. This is a reality we
cannot run away from. Ninety percent of our military hardware comes from
the United States, not to mention, our economic ties are simply
overwhelming. In 1984,
Americans decided Marcos had to go, and in 1989 when there was a serious
coup against Cory Aquino, they decided she should stay when they sent in
their Phantom jets to stop the rebels. And now for the first time in 16
years, the Philippines is on the US radar screen. In fact, the invitation
of George W. Bush to President Arroyo is a clear indication of
Washington’s concern for the Philippines as an ally against terrorism.
The US government is extremely interested on who will be the next
president of the country in 2004. It
is perfectly clear that they will not allow an unfriendly government to
take over as evidenced by the fact that they have declared the NPA and the
MILF as terrorist groups. In fact, they no longer distinguish between
terrorists and drug lords. At
this point, it is better to ride the Tiger because the United States will
not backtrack from their statement. Filipinos have to take this seemingly
dark cloud and make it a silver lining. Instead of crying “Foul!”
let’s take the issue up to Washington and make it work to our advantage.
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